Posts tagged yoga

I’ve been practicing yoga for a long time (since a teen) and the whole time my bullshit radar has pinged.

It’s something I struggle with - the practice has given me SO MUCH. And the industry is full of such absolute baloney sometimes it makes my skin crawl.

You read the books with the nice words by the gurus, then dig deeper and read of their gross manipulation of people and power. You look to the modern ‘gurus’ and find the same - almost universally. Nice words, shit behaviour.

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A personal history of food…

Since I was a teenager, when I switched from my parent’s diet to a vegetarian diet complete with the world’s most religious and least healthy soy milk, So Good by Sanitarium (I know, I know), I was fascinated and appalled by our food system. I had witnessed calves being branded and neutered in my first year of high school, we visited battery farms and piggeries. I rescued chickens from the ag shed and mice from the science labs. I was heartbroken at how animals were treated. I stopped eating meat immediately.

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